Schengen Visa

A Schengen Visa entitles the holder to a maximum stay of up to 90 days within a period of 180 days in the Schengen Area.
Please read the following information carefully and completely before registering for an appointment!
Prepare your Application
Please make sure to follow the following steps closely while preparing your application:
- Check here to make sure you need a Schengen Visa.
- Register on our appointment waiting list.
- Compile your application documents according to the Schengen Visa Information Sheet.
Important notice: Please do not send any unsolicited documents to the visa section. Unsolicited documents will be deleted and cannot be assigned to any process.
Important Information
Within the framework of Schengen visas, the embassy of the Schengen country to which you wish to travel is generally responsible for you. If you are planning a trip to several Schengen countries, the embassy of the country in which your main destination is located is responsible for you. The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Yaoundé is also the Schengen representation in Cameroon for the Republic of Estonia and Hungary.
The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Yaoundé is therefore responsible for you if you
- have your usual place of residence in Cameroon and your main destination is the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Estonia or Hungary.
If you do not have your usual place of resident in Cameroon, the German Embassy at your usual place of residence is responsible for you.
If your main destination is the Federal Republic of Germany and
- you have your usual place of resident and are a national of the Republic of Chad, the Central African Republic or Gabon, the French embassy in your country of residence is responsible for you (you must apply for your Schengen visa at the French embassy in your country of residence),
- if you have your usual place of resident and are a national of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, the Spanish embassy in Equatorial Guinea is responsible for you (you must apply for your Schengen visa at the Spanish embassy in Equatorial Guinea),
- if you have your usual place of resident and are a national of the Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, the Portuguese embassy in Sao Tome and Principe is responsible for you (you must apply for your Schengen visa at the Portuguese embassy in Sao Tome and Principe).
- Please note: These representation rules only apply if you are a citizen and resident of the respective country!
If your main travel destination is the Federal Republic of Germany and
- you have your usual place of residence in the Republic of Chad, the Central African Republic, Gabon, the Republic of Equatorial Guinea or the Republic of Sao Tomé and Príncipe and you are not a citizen of the respective country, the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Yaoundé is responsible for you (you must apply for your Schengen visa at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Yaoundé).
The conclusion of an adequate travel medical insurance is a general condition for the issue of a Schengen visa.
The health insurance must be valid for the entire period of your stay with a minimum coverage of 30.000 Euro including a repatriation in case of sickness. Insurances concluded in Germany are accepted as well.
The travel health insurance must be valid for the whole Schengen area. The embassy reserves the right to reject the submitted travel medical insurance if it does not meet the standard for a journey into the Schengen area.
The submission of a declaration of commitment in accordance with §§ 66-68 of the law of Residence (AufenthG) does not dispense of the submission of a travel medical insurance.
In the case of a journey for health reasons, the assumption of costs for medical care must be proved separately.
Adjustment of the fee for a Schengen visa as of 11.06.2024 :
- 60.000 FCFA for applicants from the age of 12.
- 30.000 FCFA for children between the age of 6 to 11.
Applications of children under the age of 6 years as well as relatives of the nuclear family (spouses, minor children) of German and European citizens (EU/EEA) are processed free of charge.
Further exceptions possibly free of charge will be examined at the time the application is submitted.
If your application is rejected, paid fees will not be reimbursed.
In general, an application for a Schengen Visa can be submitted three months before your departure date. In reasonable exceptional cases, due to the difficult appointment situation, for example, applications can already be submitted before the beginning of this period.
The application for a visa should not be submitted later than 5 days before the planned departure.
The visa processing takes normally 3 days, but may be delayed for verification purposes or by reason of the resubmission of documents.
The embassy reserves the right to verify the authenticity of the submitted documents.
Please note that there is no legal right to a visa within the indicated processing time and that the embassy is not responsible for potential delays. It is in your own interest to submit the application in good time.
Please note that no information on the visa application status or result can be given. We will inform you by your contact data if the processing time exceptionally delays or a resubmission is required. In urgent cases, demands can only be answered on presentation of the receipt with barcode. Information can only be given to the applicant himself or to third parties by submitting a written power attorney.
Since the identity of callers cannot be verified and for date protection reasons we don’t give any information by telephone.
The visa can only be given for the duration of your planned purpose of the journey but for a maximum of 90 days. If you have a visa for several years, you can only stay for 90 days within a period of 180 days in the Schengen area. The embassy can reduce the requested validity period without prior consulting.
A Schengen visa can principally not be extended nor can you apply for a residence permit in Germany if you travel to Germany with a Schengen visa.
If you plan a long term stay in Germany, you must apply for a national visa at the German Embassy in Yaounde.
The decision to issue a visa with a validity period of several years is the sole responsibility of the embassy. In general, those visas are issued if an applicant already went to the Schengen area and if the data given in the application about journeys already made and about future planned journeys are credible and plausible and if there is no other reason, from the perspective of the embassy, against the issuing of a visa with a validity period of several years.
Please indicate in your application (box: Validity period), if you wish the issuing of a visa with a validity period of several years. But note that there is no legal right to receive a such visa.
Yes, the application must be made personally in any case. For this, an appointment must be booked in our appointment system.
Incomplete applications will principally be rejected.
In this case and in order to avoid fees, our staff will recommend to withdraw the application. But you are free to insist on the acceptance of your application or to submit a new one as soon as your documents are completed.
The submission of missing documents is only accepted in rare exceptional cases, the decision lies in the discretion of the consular officer. If additional documents are requested, the visa section will inform you by telephone or by email. Unrequested documents will not be assigned.
Attention! The submission of falsified documents and the provision of false information will result in the immediate rejection of the application!
Please note that the applicant may also be entered in the visa warning file!
Persons who, as visa applicants, have submitted, obtained or produced forged or falsified documents in the visa procedure or have obtained authentic documents by providing false information or have provided false information or have obtained a visa by concealing material facts which they were obliged to provide, § 2 VWDG.
Further information on the visa warning file can be found here.
All documents in other languages than English, French or German must be submitted in certified German translation + 1 copy of the translation.
Complaints about the Schengen visa application process
Schengen visa applicants may submit complaints about the conduct of the consulate staff or the visa application process via the contact form. In the contact form, please select the option “Complaints about the Schengen visa procedure”. Please note that complaints may only be submitted in German, French or English. We are unable to follow up on complaints in languages other than German, French or English. Please enter one of the following options in the “Subject” field of the contact form:
- Complaint about the conduct of consulate staff
- Complaint about the visa application process
We will follow up on your complaint once it has been received.
Important information: No legal remedies against decisions to refuse, annul or revoke a visa – in particular no remonstrations – may be submitted via the complaints contact form.
Questions with regards to the reasons of the refusal will no be answered.