Visa for study purposes

Please make sure to read the information below regarding our appointment system.
Here you will find all information about the visa application if you want to take part in a language course or to study or to write a doctoral thesis in Germany.
For the application of a visa for study purposes, you will need a longer preparation. Therefore, please read the information on this page carefully.
How to prepare your application
Follow the following steps while preparing your application:
- Use our Visa-Navigator to make sure you need a visa for study purposes
- Please carefully read the information on the appointment booking for students below and make a registration on our appointment waiting list
- Please compile all necessary application documents listed in the following Checklist.
Important Notice: All requested documents must be submitted in original with two additional photocopies. All documents written in languages other than German, English and French must be translated into German.
Important information
Please note that the Embassy has two appointment lists for students.
You can only register on the A-list if you meet one of the following criteria:
- An acceptance for a scholarship from a German institution.
- A promise of a doctorate.
- An admission agreement signed by both partners with a research institution recognised by the BAMF.
- A direct admission to a Master's degree programme.
You must provide proof of one of the above conditions the latest on the date of your appointment.
Entries in the A list without authorisation lead to rejection and blocking in the appointment queue system.
If you do not fulfil any of the above requirements, have been admitted to a Bachelor's degree or a Studienkolleg or only wish to enter Germany for a language course, please register on the B-list.
Information on our appointment waiting time are available here.
Please note: Registrations made in accordance with the old criteria before 30 January 2025 will remain valid. A new registration is not necessary.
The current waiting time can be found here.
If a minor applicant is accompanied by a person who does not have parental custody, an original power of attorney notarised by German authorities is required.
If there is no power of attorney, the application cannot be accepted.
If no formal admission decision has yet been made by a German university (so-called conditional admission), the applicant must provide proof that he/she has the required German language skills. In principle, language skills of level DHS1, DHS2 or TestDaf must be available for a degree programme.
If necessary, these can also be acquired as part of a preparatory language course at the university or from a private language course provider. The corresponding confirmation from the language school must be presented.
The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Yaoundé recommends the submission of proof of language proficiency (min. level B1) in order to support the plausibility and credibility of the motivation for the intended study visit.
For English-language degree programmes, the required English language skills (e.g. TOEFL certificate) must be submitted.
Please note: Only ALTE language certificates (Goethe-Institut, ÖSD, telc, TestDaf, ELC) are accepted.
Amount of funding
As part of the visa procedure, proof of funding for the first year of study must be provided, unless the programme is to be taken up for less than one year.
For all financing options, proof of at least EUR 992 per month (EUR 11,904 per year) must be provided when submitting the application.
Blocked account
In the visa procedure, proof of subsistence can be provided by setting up a blocked account. You have a free choice of provider. As far as the embassy is currently aware, no banks in Cameroon offer a blocked account that fulfils the requirements of the visa procedure. Providers offering this service worldwide can be found here on the website of the Federal Foreign Office.
Opening a blocked account
The process of opening a blocked account can be done completely online and without signature authentication by the embassy. The blocked account then opened fulfils the requirements of the visa procedure. The above-mentioned amount must be available in the blocked account! A receipt for the opening of a blocked account in which no money is available is not sufficient as proof of funds.
Underage students still require the co-operation of the embassy to open a blocked account.
Please make an appointment via our website.
Blocked account closure
Please register for an appointment to have a consular certificate issued (costs: 22,500 FCFA).
Important! If you have lodged a remonstration for a rejected visa application, you must first expressly revoke this by e-mail to the embassy. As long as the decision on the remonstration has not yet been made, the blocking note cannot be released vis-à-vis the bank.
Declaration of commitment
Third parties who live in Germany and wish to assume responsibility for ensuring your livelihood can submit a declaration of commitment (§§ 66 to 68a AufenthG) to the responsible immigration authority.
This must contain the note ‘nachgewiesen’ [eng: proven]. Unfortunately, declarations of commitment in which financing has been ‘glaubhaft gmeacht' [eng: credibly demonstrated] cannot be accepted when applying for a study visa. The declaration of commitment must not be older than six months at the time of application.
If a relative in Germany has submitted a declaration of commitment on your behalf, please enclose the relevant proof of relationship (e.g. birth certificates) with your visa application.
If you have received a scholarship (e.g. from the DAAD, Erasmus+, a university or a foundation), this can be accepted as proof of funding. Please note that scholarships must also cover at least the monthly/annual amount stated above. If the promised scholarship does not cover the amount, you must provide further proof (e.g. blocked account) in the amount of the shortfall.
German universities distinguish between two types of admission: Unconditional and conditional admission to a university degree programme.
- Unconditional admission: All admission requirements for the chosen degree programme at the respective university have already been met.
- Conditional admission: Not all admission requirements have been met. In most cases, the necessary language skills are not yet available and must still be acquired. The embassy will carry out an additional plausibility check to determine whether the language skills required for the degree programme can be acquired within a reasonable period of time with regard to the previous language level and the start of the semester specified in the admission letter. The corresponding confirmation from the language school must be submitted. Please note our information on proof of language proficiency.
Please note that expired admissions and language course enrolments will not be accepted and may lead to your application being rejected. If you are already enrolled or matriculated in your degree programme, you must provide proof of this when submitting your application.
If you visit the page of the database ANABIN (recognition and evaluation of foreign educational certificates), you can check whether your foreign educational level may be recognised or comparable.
Attention! The submission of falsified documents and the provision of false information will result in the immediate rejection of the application!
Please note that the applicant may also be entered in the visa warning file!
Persons who, as visa applicants, have submitted, obtained or produced forged or falsified documents in the visa procedure or have obtained authentic documents by providing false information or have provided false information or have obtained a visa by concealing material facts which they were obliged to provide, § 2 VWDG.
Further information on the visa warning file can be found here.
The Federal Office for Foreign Affairs (BfAA) supports the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Yaoundé in the processing of visa applications in the category of study, employment and training in the context of nursing and healthcare professions.
Processing at the BfAA does not change anything for applicants. If there are any queries or need for clarification regarding your visa application, you may be contacted directly by the BfAA to speed up processing. Your visa or notification of refusal will continue to be issued by the responsible diplomatic mission abroad.
Detailed information on visa processing by the BfAA can be found here (information is only available in german).
Please note that incomplete applications cannot be processed. The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Yaoundé and the BfAA reserve the right to request further documents in individual cases and to have the authenticity of the documents submitted checked. Documents submitted prior to the application cannot be assigned to a later visa application.
The visa should be applied for in good time before the planned departure. The processing time for complete application documents is currently around three months. Processing may be delayed due to incomplete application documents or irregular processing measures. There is no entitlement to the issue of a visa within the specified processing time. The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Yaoundé accepts no liability for any delays in travelling in the event of irregular processing times.
After receiving your passport and visa, we ask you to immediately check that all the information on your visa label is correct. If you have any questions, please contact us immediately.
In particular, your visa will show your name, passport number, photo and the period of validity of the visa. The period of validity is specified in a period of time during which your journey can take place.
The embassy may shorten the requested visa period without prior consultation.
The issue of a visa does not constitute a right to enter the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany or the territory of the Schengen member states.
The final decision on entry is made by the federal police or border police of the Schengen member state of your entry as part of the entry control. Prepare yourself for a check of your visa and all entry documents (in particular visa documents, information on financial means, proof of purpose of stay and proof of health insurance cover) by the Federal Police before the border check!
Further information can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community and on the website of the Federal Police.